Actions are invoked on route match.
Action can return a promise or an object that will be passed to res.send
with status code 200
It can also call response directly res.send("ok")
Request Decorators#
Req, Resinject request, response in to action params
Queryinject query object,in to action params
Bodyinject body object,in to action params
Headersinject body object,in to action params
Paramsinject params object,in to action params
Custom Requestyou can define you own custom request action parameters
Response Decorators#
StatusCodespecify a custom statusCode default 200
Headersspecify a custom response header
Gzipit is possible to compress the response with gzip by calling res.gzip
Cache Controlspecify Cache-Control header in seconds
Custom Responseyou can define your own custom action response decorators