
Pipes implemented on top of pipelines. Pipes run on method arguments and can transform argument value Pipe must implement the IPipe interface.

if the pipe decorate a class it will run on all class methods.

if pipe decorate a method it will run on the first argument



import {pipe,IPip} from '@appolo/engine';
import {define} from '@appolo/inject';
export class DatePipe implements IPipe{
async transform(value:number,context:PipelineContext){
return new Date(value);
export const date = ()=> pipe(DatePipe);

now lets use out date pipe

export class SomeClass {
return value;
injector.get(SomeClass).test(1604047612) instanceof Date //true


we can validate the argument and throw error

import {pipe,IPip} from '@appolo/engine';
import {define} from '@appolo/inject';
import { ObjectSchema } from '@hapi/joi';
export class ValidatePipe implements IPipeline{
async transform(value:number,context:PipelineContext<{schema:ObjectSchema}>){
const { error } = context.metadata.schema.validate(value);
if (error) {
throw new BadRequestException('Validation failed');
return value;
export const validate = (schema:ObjectSchema)=> pipe(ValidatePipe,{schema})
export class SomeClass {
return params;
injector.get(SomeClass).test({a:11}) //throws BadRequestException